All of the greatest creators, from Beethoven to Edison, had something in common. They didn't just create stuff. They created a ton of stuff. That's why I'm a big believer that producers should produce more, directors should direct more, and, of course, writers should write more.
The funny thing is, too many writers I know just can't finish a script. Maybe they have ideas, and maybe they write a few scenes, but they don't get to the end. Or maybe they've never written anything and are too afraid to start! That's why I wrote this book, which guarantees you'll have a finished script, whether or not you've ever written anything before!
That's right. In only one month, you can go from a blank page to a completed script, ready to be staged. Just'll have a full script in your hands (or a Producer's hands) by the end of this month if you start today! So what are you waiting for?